Frequently Asked Questions

To get your MyTMT account, please contact your TMT sales representative.

You will later receive an automatic email from inviting you to change your password.

Please check your spam if necessary if you don’t get it.

On the login page , click « change password » and follow the instructions to reset your password.

Make sure you use the email address and username associated with your account.

Click on « Sign In»; either in the main screen or top right of the screen.

Please log in using your username and password.

Yes, use « Track » but you will have less information than if you have a MyTMT account.

You can put a PO number, a container, a TMT file number.

You can see the details of your shipments (CO2 included), track your sea (and air) shipments in real time, check routes and possible delays of vessels carrying your cargo.

You can submit your documents and find also documents.

After logging in, a world map gives you a global view of your current shipments.

You will see dots and inside numbers.

Red dot :         Seafreight.

Blue dot :        Airfreight.

Purple dot :     You have to zoom in to see the nearby starting points.

Numbers :       In red/blue dot : How many current shipments you have from this point.

                        In purple dot : How many departure points.

Those dots are fixed and show the shipment loading point.

If you click a dot, you will see all your current shipments from this dot.

Click on a line and you will find detailed information about the current status.

Go to the « Sea / Air Freight » section.

You will see all your current and past shipments.

You can have several means to search a shipment like your PO number, our file number, a POL/POD…

Update between our prologiciels and MyTMT :

Your container position :       3 times a day

Your stock :                            Every 2 hours

Your file :                                Every hour

Pictures :                                        Right away

When you are in your detailed shipment, click on the green world map at the right side of the container number.

A new page will opened.

You will be able to see precisely the vessel position on the map (top right of the screen), each movement date of the container, the delay or advance taken, the expected dates (left part of the screen.

We are working on it.

It would be an email at least once a day about any update (departure / arrival / transshipment) your shipment can have.

When you are in your detailed shipment, in the right part of the screen, click on the back arrow (right of Documents).

A new screen appears.

Choose your document type : Supplier invoice / packing list / certificat / your customs doc / other.

Drop your documents or click to browse.

You can add comment.

Yes, in your shipment details.

If we stuff your container in one of our warehouses, you should have stuffing pictures.

You should find also the EX/IMA/EUR.1/T2L of your shipment, BL, insurance certificate if we insure the shipment on your behalf, the CMR/POD.

When you are in your detailed shipment, you can see the CO2 at the right side of the container number.

You can view your inventory and your lots, their IN-OUT, quality, quantity, movement date.

You can also made Excel extraction of your inventory.

Go to the Inventory / stock section.

There you will find details of each product.

You can search by serial number, article… or make Excel extraction (grouped or detailed).

Click on a line to have more details.

Click again on a line to have more details unit by unit.

Theoretical :   What we have on stock in one of our warehouses.

Available :       What stock is available, waiting for your instruction to be shipped.

Affected :        After we received an order to ship a specific amount, this is what we put aside waiting for the pick-up.

Theoretical = Available + Affected.

Go to the Inventory / In-Out Historic section.

There you will find details of each product and their recent movements.

You can search by serial number, article… or make Excel extraction (grouped or detailed).

Click on a line to have more details.

Click again on one of the new line to have even more details.

You can contact your TMT sale representative or Fabienne Flesch (

Please contact the person in charge of your file.